Sixmilebridge is a popular town in County Clare situated circa 9km from Shannon town, Shannon Airport and associated industrial parks and 17km from Limerick City. The subject land is located off Rossamanagher road, within close proximity to the centre of Simxilebridge and its essential amenities and facilities including schools, shops, restaurants, pubs etc. The area is serviced by bus routes to and from Shannon and Limerick City Centre. The M18 motorway is within close proxmity giving easy access to Shannon, Shannon airport and associated industrial parks, Limerick, Ennis and Galway.
Lands extending to a total of circa 2.73 Hectares (6.74 Acres).
Comprised within Folio's CE42991F & CE17441.
Zoned Residential, Existing Residential & Open Space under the Clare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029.
Expired planning permission for 13 detached residential houses (Folio CE17441).
Excellent location just off the M18 motorway, circa 17km from Limerick city centre.
Folio CE42991F: Comprises the common areas of Gort na Null housing development together with a small regular shaped enclosed greenfield / brownfield plot located to the rear of Gort na Null, adjacent to house numbers 83 & 84.
Under the Clare County Development Plan 2023 -2029 this land (Folio CE42991F) is zoned Existing Residential & Open Space.
Folio CE17441: Consists of a regular shaped parcel of development land extending to circa 1.18 Ha (2.91 Acres). The land adjoins Gort na Null development.
Under the Clare County Development Plan 2023 -2029 this land (CE17441) is zoned Residential.
Folio CE17441. Planning reference numbers: P18/516 & P13/168.
P13/168 - Permission consequent on grant of outline permission Ref P11-453 for development comprising of modifications to existing permission Ref: P08/602 as follows: (i) Reduction in the number of dwelling/apartment units from 32 No to 13 No Detached dwelling houses, (ii) 13 No. detached garages ancillary to each dwelling, (iii) Removal of primary vehicular access as per existing permission ref: P08/602, and provision of 1 No. new site access from existing estate road, including amendments to existing road at junction, and associated traffic calming measures. (iv)connections to existing sewer network and all ancillary site works. We understand this has since expired.
P18/516 - Permission granted to extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission P13/168 for the construction of 13 detached dwelling houses. We understand this has since expired.
Please refer to the legal documents.
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