The lands are situated just off Courtbrack Avenue, South Circular Road, Limerick. The subject parcel of lands are situated to the rear of Ashdown Student Village and Alandale Orchard. The South Circular Road is one of Limerick’s most sought-after locations due to its close proximity to Limerick City Centre and an abundance of amenities including both primary and secondary schools, Mary Immaculate College, pubs, cafes and The Crescent Shopping Centre and its accessibility onto the Dock Road which connects Limerick with Cork, Dublin & Galway via the Southern Ring Road and Limerick Tunnel.
The surrounding area is predominantly residential with additional purpose-built student accommodation. There is also commercial use in the area with Ashdown Shopping Centre and offices within close proximity to the lands.
Lot 1C - Site C comprises circa 1.28 Acres.
NOTE: Please note if Lot 1 THE ENTIRE (Site A, Site B & Site C) is sold in One Lot this site will not be available to purchase and will be withdrawn from the auction.
Zoning: Under the Limerick Development Plan 2022 – 2028 the lands are zoned Enterprise & Employment.
Please refer to the legal documents.
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